Our Mission
We will join in God’s mission by enriching the lives of our aging population in the Diocese of Texas by improving their quality of life.
We will do this by listening to the people of the diocese and advocating for the needs of seniors. Areas for advocacy may include:
- Promoting the health and wellbeing of seniors, especially those who are least served
- Fostering the faith formation and spiritual growth of seniors
- Educating through information to seniors, caregivers, congregations, and others
- Encouraging missional communities and community life for seniors wherever they live
Our Vision
The dignity of seniors across the Diocese of Texas is respected and upheld through their having reasonable access to faith formation, advocacy, education, health, and community life, regardless of their financial resources
Our Values
Within the context of the Foundation, we hold as a foundational core belief that all people deserve to live and age with dignity and purpose, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or economic status.
We further hold to a value of listening and discernment, continually adapting the Foundation’s mission to changing needs, contexts, and environments.
This includes the dignity of:
- A safe living environment
- A growing and fulfilling spiritual life
- Privacy
- Self-determination
- Freedom from stereotypes of aging
- Access to services benefitting optimal health and wellness, particularly for those who are underserved.
ESF – Policy Statement
The Episcopal Seniors Foundation will provide grants to qualified applicants to achieve its Mission as stated above.
The Episcopal Seniors Foundation will create an annual budget not to exceed 4% of the balance in its Participating Account, calculated on a rolling average of the 12/31 balance the previous three calendar years. The amount available for grants will be the annual budget less the appropriate and usual Board expenses (costs of travel, at least one board retreat annually), such expenses not to exceed $10,000 annually. Acknowledging that the ESF board is about giving away money, the board is not required to award the full amount available for grants. Any amount not awarded may be added to the amount available for the next year or, at the board’s discretion, may be returned to the participating fund.
Grants will be awarded for programs and initiatives that will benefit senior adults, generally those 62 and older. Other age groups may also benefit from the grant as long as the primary benefit accrues to the senior adults.
From time to time, ESF may partner with another entity to fund grants. ESF may partner with other Episcopal entities or with secular or governmental entities, at the discretion of the board.
Grants will be made to charitable entities located within the geographical boundaries of The Episcopal Diocese of Texas. At the discretion of the board, grants may be made to other individuals, groups of individuals, or charitable organizations.
Grants to entities may not exceed $25,000 in one calendar year and may be renewed for a period not to exceed three years and $75,000.
Multi-year, diminishing-amount grants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
The ESF Board is granted wide discretion in awarding funds. Preference is given to a new undertaking or a specific project, but operating fund grants are not prohibited.
In all cases, preference will be given to those whose funding sources are limited. Potential applicants are advised to read all the information on these webpages before applying for a grant.
Applications for grants from Episcopal Seniors Foundation for Fall, 2024, and early 2025 will be received in late summer/early Fall, 2024. Please watch this space for the exact dates.
Grants are for work with senior adults within the Diocese of Texas. Grants have been made for such things as spiritual health/growth, housing and utility needs, food insecurity, social events, health and wellness, and to support the Abundant Living Conference at Camp Allen. Grants are not made for the purchase of vehicles. Prior to applying for a grant from ESF, please read the full policies and procedures, Mission, Vision, and Values Statements at our website edot1dev.wpenginepowered.com/esf.
Due to the great popularity of these grants, and the small size of the Foundation, our current policies, including the size of grants, and some procedures, may be adjusted this year. Again, please watch this space for details about the grants.
Those requesting a grant must complete the application form and return it with all requested information* to pnolting1225@gmail.com. Applications must be submitted by email. In addition, the board may request the applicant present the request in person at a board meeting, and a physical inspection of the grant site by board members may be required.
Recipients of grants must report progress to the board at regular intervals, to be determined on a case-by-case basis. Renewals or multi-year payments will not be made unless the reports are made.
The ESF Board reserves the right to inspect the projects it funds, or to require follow-up information from the recipient, to be sure the funds have been used as specified.
These policies and procedures will be reviewed at least annually and may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board.
*These are anticipated to include a business plan, statement of need, financial statement, photos, any other documentation supporting the need for the grant. These will be detailed on the application.
Download application to your computer (right click “Application,” then click “download link file” (safari) or “save link as” (chrome)). Submission instructions are on the application.
Grant Recipient Status Report
Download PDF (right click, save as) then open in Adobe Reader in order to submit
The Rt. Rev. Jeff W. Fisher, Chair
Pam Nolting, Good Shepherd, Kingwood, President
The Rev. Wanda Cuniff, Christ Church, Nacogdoches
Lisa Kraus, St. Francis, Tyler
Barbara Evans-Chowning, All Saints, Fort Worth
Maggie Abbott, Trinity, Galveston
Cory Macdonald, St. Michael’s, Austin
Eric Kennedy, St. James’, Austin
Aaron Smithers, Holy Comforter, Spring
The Rev. Robert Vickery, St. James’, Austin
Kerry Hancock, Christ Church, Temple