Am I an Alcoholic?
If you are in doubt about whether you have a drinking problem, one of the best places to start is by taking “The 20 Questions: Are You an Alcoholic?” These 20 questions for alcoholics are also known as the 20 questions of AA. They were originally conceived by Dr. Robert Victor Seliger while he was a Department of Psychiatry faculty member at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in the 1930’s. These questions are not intended to be used as part of a professional medical evaluation, but as a self-testing means to determine how much alcohol is influencing and affecting your life.
Am I an “Almost” Alcoholic?
More recent research reveals that there are also a large number of people who don’t meet the accepted criteria for diagnosing alcoholism, but fall into a grey area of problem drinking. These are the “almost” alcoholic. Click to read more: Harvard Helpguide
How can I get help?
Whether you self-assess as alcoholic or “almost” alcoholic, your drinking has become problematic for you and likely to those around you. There is help for you. Visit Alcoholics Anonymous, the well-known 12 step recovery program. If you think that AA is not for you, explore alternative programs, such as SMART Recovery. This helpful publication from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) outlines issues and treatment options for addressing abuse problems. Additionally, The Hope and Healing Center, a ministry of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church in Houston, offers recovery options.
While addictions affect individuals both physically and mentally, often their solution is found to be spiritual. The church continues to develop innovative recovery ministries like Recovery Sunday. The Diocese of Texas Recovery Ministries Team is reaching out to members of 12 Step Fellowships to bring the Good News of hope and healing through a new and innovative program called Friends of Dr. Bob.