Kathryn Ryan Elected New Bishop Suffragan

The Rev. Canon Kathryn ‘Kai’ Ryan was elected February 22 as bishop suffragan for the western region of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

Ryan, 54, currently serves as Canon to the Ordinary for the Diocese of Texas. She was elected to become the next bishop suffragan as lay and clergy delegates gathered at the 170th Diocesan Council at The Woodlands Waterway Marriot. Ryan received 283 of 441 votes cast in the lay order and 137 of 235 cast in the clergy order on the first ballot.

The other candidates were: 

  • The Rev. Hannah E. Atkins Romero, Rector, Trinity Episcopal Church, Houston, TX.
  • The Rev. Canon Glenice Robinson-Como, Canon Missioner for Outreach and Justice Ministries, Christ Church Cathedral, Houston, TX.

By canon, a bishop suffragan will serve “under the direction” of Diocesan Bishop Andy Doyle and will have oversight of congregations in the western region of the diocese, with an office in Austin.

“I am so grateful to the search committee and the transition committee and all who have worked on this process over the past year. This has been a really long year and the fact that we got through it has been a result of walking together,” said Ryan. “I especially want to thank Hannah, Glenice and their families. I trust that God and you will teach me how to be the bishop that God and you need.”

Ryan’s breadth of experience includes working in four dioceses as well as involvement in Provincial Synod and General Convention. She also participated in the national Gathering of Leaders for young clergy and served nearly 15 years in a culturally diverse parish as rector. 

Ryan will be consecrated as bishop suffragan on June 1st in Austin, Texas.


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