St. Thomas the Apostle, Nassau Bay, Continues to Feed the Community Along with Galveston Food Bank

On Saturday, November 7, St. Thomas the Apostle, Nassau Bay, will offer the next of its monthly fresh food distribution to neighbors in need throughout Nassau Bay, Webster, and Pasadena. This distribution will begin in the St. Thomas parking lot (18300 Upper Bay Rd., Nassau Bay) at 8 a.m. for volunteers to help package boxes and bags of food into serviceable quantities of fresh fruits, vegetables and sometimes meat. Distribution begins almost immediately. Each month St. Thomas will distribute at least 8 different types of food to the needy. In October, volunteers assisted 91 cars with 385 people by placing $17,000 worth of fruit, split peas, canned beef, bread and flour in cars. If you are interested in serving or leading in this effort, please email the Rev. Mike Stone at Non-parishioners are always invited to serve with St. Thomas. The next food distribution will be on Saturday, December 5. 

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