Who to Contact by Topic

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501(c)3 non-profit tax-exempt statusDirector of Treasury, Jonathan Blaker
Accounts PayableAccounts Payable, Catherine Rinhart
Accounts ReceivableAccounts Receivable, Samantha Duffy
Addiction Recovery Support/ReferralsCanon for Wellness and Care, the Rev. Canon Lisa S. Burns
Address changes (including email)Technology Director, Nina Gaspar, Ph.D
Altar Guild, diocesan oversightBishop Suffragan in Tyler, the Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher (Kathy Dunn)
Alternative rites, permissionOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Annual Council – RegistrationTechnology Director, Nina Gaspar, Ph.D
Annual Council, pre-Council reporting for churchesTechnology Director, Nina Gaspar, Ph.D
Annual Diocesan CouncilCanon to the Ordinary / COO, Assistant, Kathryn Herman
Archives, diocesan and/or guidelines for parishesArchivist, Kathryn Herman


Background checks, clergyClergy Licensing Registrar, Millie Longoria
Background checks, Lay – for Safeguarding onlyManager of Safeguarding Certification, Marty Brickley
BankingDirector of Treasury, Jonathan Blaker
Beginning Well, clergy formationBishop Suffragan in Austin, the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan (Haley Townsend)
Bequests & donationsDirector of Foundations’ Assistant, Angela Smith
Bishops – previous bishops of TexasArchivist, Kathryn Herman
Bishop’s Office administration oversightChief of Staff, The Rev. Canon Marcea Paul
Bishop’s Office, Assitant in HoustonOffice of the Bishop Assistant in Houston, Millie Longoria
Bishop’s Office, Diocesan Office of the Bishop Diocesan, Sara Marlatt
Bishop’s Office, Suffragan in Austin Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Austin, Haley Townsend
Bishop’s Office, Suffragan in Tyler Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Bishop’s presence at parish events, East Region Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Bishop’s presence at parish events, South Region Office of the Bishop Assistant in Houston, Millie Longoria
Bishop’s presence at parish events, West Region Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Austin, Haley Townsend
Bi-vocational priests & pastoral leadersTransition Minister, the Rev. Kellaura Johnson 
Boundary violations (interpersonal)Canon for Wellness and Care, the Rev. Canon Lisa S. Burns
Branding – EDOT identity, logoSenior Graphic and Creative Designer, Angela Hider
Budget of Diocesan CouncilChief Financial Officer, Linda Riley Mitchell, CPA
Business ServicesFinancial Services Manager, Tabinda Asim
Bylaws, model parish and schoolChief Financial Officer, Assistant, Michelle Valdez


Camp Allen, diocesan oversightBishop Diocesan, the Rt. Rev. C. Andy Doyle (Sara Marlatt)
Camp Allen, generalwww.campallen.org
Canonical residency & letters dimissoryClergy Licensing Registrar, Millie Longoria
Canons (EDOT & TEC), clarification/adviceCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Canons (EDOT)EDOT Constitution and Canons
Canons (TEC)http://www.episcopalchurch.org/page/constitution-canons-and-other-publications
Cellphone towers, recommendationDirector of Real Estate and Facilities, Michael Hilfinger
Clergy & Family Support/ReferralsCanon for Wellness and Care, the Rev. Canon Lisa S. Burns
Clergy Conference administrationChief of Staff, Assistant, Julie Paré
Clergy Conference oversightChief of Staff, The Rev. Canon Marcea Paul
Clergy Financial AssistanceCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Clergy formation – after ordinationBishop Suffragan in Austin, the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan (Haley Townsend)
Clergy formation – leading to ordinationCommission on Ministry, Ana Gonzales May
Clergy Manual, EDOTEDOT Clergy Manual
Clergy Misconduct – Title IVCanon for Wellness and Care, the Rev. Canon Lisa S. Burns
Clergy Misconduct – Title IVCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Clergy RecruitmentTransition Minister, the Rev. Kellaura Johnson 
Clergy salariesCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Clergy Spouses GroupRob Montgomery
Clergy transition/calling (chaplains, asst/assoc)Transition Minister, the Rev. Kellaura Johnson 
Clergy, Non parochial annual reportsOffice of the Bishop Diocesan, Sara Marlatt
Clericus meetings, presenters/compensationMissioner for Congregational Vitality, the Rev. Beth Fain
Clericus meetings, schedule, and rosterDeans of Convocations
Columbarium / memorial garden guidelinesDirector of Foundations, David Fisher
Commission on Ministry, administrationCommission on Ministry, Ana Gonzales May
Commission on Ministry, diocesan oversightExecutive for Ministry, the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan (Haley Townsend)
Commissions, diocesan oversightCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Communications strategy, parishCommunications Director, Tammy Lanier
Confirmations, receptions, & reaffirmationsOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Congregational coachingCanon for Mission Amplification, the Rev. Canon Joann Saylors (Jill Lutz)
Congregational conflictCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Contact info, clergy and congregationExecutive Assistant to the Assisting Bishop, North Region, Joseph Roberts
Convention, General (TEC)generalconvention.org
Curate Formation: Curate Camp & First Time in ChargeBishop Suffragan in Austin, the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan (Haley Townsend)
Cycle of PrayerTechnology Director, Nina Gaspar, Ph.D


Database, EDOTTechnology Director, Nina Gaspar, Ph.D
Daughters of the King, diocesan oversightBishop Suffragan in Tyler, the Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher (Kathy Dunn)
Deacons, transitionalCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Deacons, vocationalCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Deans of ConvocationsCanon to the Ordinary / COO, Assistant, Kathryn Herman
Death noticesOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Diocesan policies (see Clergy Manual)Canon to the Ordinary / COO, Assistant, Kathryn Herman
Disaster Recovery ProjectsDisaster Recovery Program Manager, Rev. Stacy Stringer
Disaster response planning & emergency reliefDirector of Disaster Recovery, the Rev. Stacy Stringer
Discernment Committees, RegionalCommission on Ministry, Ana Gonzales May
Discovery RetreatsCommission on Ministry, Ana Gonzales May
Discretionary fundsEDOT Clergy Manual
Discretionary funds, adviceChief Financial Officer, Linda Riley Mitchell, CPA
Diversity training, Fertile Ground Missioner for Intercultural Development, Denise Treviño-Gomez
Driving and credit background checks, layTechnology Director, Nina Gaspar, Ph.D


East Region of EDOTOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Ecclesiastical endorsements, clergy & layClergy Licensing Registrar, Millie Longoria
Ecumenical gatherings, diocesan presence atOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
El Buen Samaritano, diocesan oversightBishop Suffragan in Austin, the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan (Haley Townsend)
El Buen Samaritano, generalelbuen.org
Employee BenefitsHuman Resources Associate, Felicia Moodie
Episcopal Health Foundation, congregational engagementSenior Congregational Engagement Officer Eric Moen
Episcopal Health Foundation, diocesan oversightBishop Diocesan, the Rt. Rev. C. Andy Doyle (Sara Marlatt)
Episcopal Health Foundation, generalepiscopalhealth.org
Episcopal High School, Houston – diocesan oversightBishop Diocesan, the Rt. Rev. C. Andy Doyle (Sara Marlatt)
Episcopal High School, Houston – generalehshouston.org
Episcopal orders – clergy from other denominationsCommission on Ministry, Ana Gonzales May
Episcopal Schools, Commission on Chair of the Commission on Schools, the Rev. David Dearman
Eucharistic Ministry training, layCanon for Mission Amplification, the Rev. Canon Joann Saylors (Jill Lutz)
Evangelism training, Invite-Welcome-ConnectCanon for Mission Amplification, the Rev. Canon Joann Saylors (Jill Lutz)
Executive BoardOffice of the Bishop Diocesan, Sara Marlatt


Finance Department, diocesan oversightChief Financial Officer, Linda Riley Mitchell, CPA
Finances, parishChief Financial Officer, Linda Riley Mitchell, CPA


General Convention (TEC)generalconvention.org
General Convention (TEC), deputiesChief of Staff, Assistant, Julie Paré
Grants, foundationsDirector of Foundations’ Assistant, Angela Smith
Grants, mission workWorld Mission Board, Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn


Hispanic Ministries, communicationsBilingual Communications Specialist, Liz Gutierrez
Hispanic ministries, diocesan oversightBishop Assistant in Houston, the Rt. Rev. Héctor M. Monterroso (Millie Longoria)
Hispanic Ministry, Commission on – generalOffice of the Bishop Assistant in Houston, Millie Longoria
History of the Episcopal Church in TexasArchivist, Kathryn Herman
Human ResourcesHuman Resources Director, Zee Turnbull, PHR
Hurricane RecoveryDirector of Disaster Recovery, the Rev. Stacy Stringer


Installations, East Region (celebrations of new ministry)Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Installations, South Region (celebrations of new ministry)Office of the Bishop Assistant in Houston, Millie Longoria
Installations, West Region (celebrations of new ministry)Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Austin, Haley Townsend
Institutions, diocesan oversightCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Insurance – dental, medicalBenefits Specialist, Felicia Moodie
Insurance – property, church & schoolDirector of Treasury, Jonathan Blaker
Iona School for Ministry & lay ministry formation programsIona School Administrator, Laura McAlister


Jubilee MinistriesJubilee Officer, the Rev. Phyllis Hartman


Lay ministry licensing (other than preaching)Technical Assistant, Heriberto “Eddie” Basabe
Lay ministry, parish trainingCanon for Mission Amplification, the Rev. Canon Joann Saylors (Jill Lutz)
Lay preacher licensingCanon to the Ordinary / COO, Assistant, Kathryn Herman
Letters dimissory and canonical residencyClergy Licensing Registrar, Millie Longoria
Letters of Agreement (clergy)Canon to the Ordinary / COO, Assistant, Kathryn Herman
Licensing Information for clergyClergy Licensing Registrar, Millie Longoria
Lists of clergy and/or churchesTechnology Director, Nina Gaspar, Ph.D


Map of diocesan convocations (and regions)Map of the Diocese
Marriage judgmentsOffice of the Bishop Diocesan, Sara Marlatt
Media relationsCommunications Director, Tammy Lanier
Meeting room reservations in HoustonReceptionist, Joseph Roberts
Mineral (oil & gas) inquiriesDirector of Foundations, David Fisher
Ministry Department oversightCanon to the Ordinary / COO, the Rev. Canon Christine M. Faulstich
Mission status, remit toCanon for Mission Amplification, the Rev. Canon Joann Saylors (Jill Lutz)
Mission work grantsWorld Mission Board, Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Missional communitiesMission Amplification Team, The Rev. Canon Joann Saylors
MissionsMission Amplification Team, The Rev. Canon Joann Saylors
Music Commission, Diocesan Chair of Diocesan Music Commission, Linda Patterson, Ph.D


News stories, story ideas & parish newsBilingual Communications Specialist, Paulette E. Martin
Newsletters, email – eDiolog, Out of the OrdinaryBilingual Communications Specialist, Paulette E. Martin
Nominations (for elected office in EDOT)Office of the Bishop Diocesan, Sara Marlatt
North Region of EDOTAssisting Bishop TBD, Executive Assistant to the Assisting Bishop Joseph Roberts


Ordination process – diaconate & priesthoodCommission on Ministry, Ana Gonzales May


Parish Administration – coachingCanon for Mission Amplification, the Rev. Canon Joann Saylors (Jill Lutz)
Parish administration – EDOT policiesEDOT Clergy Manual
Parish records managementManual of Business Methods and Church Affairs
Parochial reports, financialChief Financial Officer, Linda Riley Mitchell, CPA
Parochial reports, generalTechnology Director, Nina Gaspar, Ph.D
Participating Fund & general investment inquiries Director of Foundations, David Fisher
Payroll, EDOT & EHFHuman Resources Director, Zee Turnbull, PHR
Pension, clergy & layHuman Resources Director, Zee Turnbull, PHR
Personnel policies for congregationsHuman Resources Director, Zee Turnbull, PHR
Planned giving presentationsDirector of Foundations’ Assistant, Angela Smith
Prison ministryLay minister, Ed Davis, Huntsville
Properties, diocesanDirector of Foundations’ Assistant, Angela Smith
Property damage reportDirector of Real Estate and Facilities, Michael Hilfinger
Province VII Synodwww.province7.org
Province VII Synod, delegates toChief of Staff, Assistant, Julie Paré


Racial Justice CommitteeChair of the Racial Justice Committee, Sam Dodson
Rector search process (transition process & coaching)Transition Minister, the Rev. Kellaura Johnson 
Remarriage PetitionsOffice of the Bishop Diocesan, Sara Marlatt
Resolutions (for Annual Diocesan Council)Canon to the Ordinary / COO, Assistant, Kathryn Herman
Retired clergyOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn


Sabbatical grants, clergyOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Safe Church (trainers & training)Manager of Safeguarding Certification, Marty Brickley
Seminary of the Southwest, diocesan oversightBishop Suffragan in Austin, the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan (Haley Townsend)
Seminary of the Southwest, generalwww.ssw.edu
Small Church NetworkOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn
Social Media coaching and guidelinesSocial Media and Multimedia Specialist, Daniel Villarreal
South Region of EDOTOffice of the Bishop Assistant in Houston, Millie Longoria
St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, Austin – diocesan oversightBishop Suffragan in Austin, the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan (Haley Townsend)
St. Stephen’s Episcopal School, Austin – generalsstx.org
St. Vincent’s House, diocesan oversightBishop Assistant in Houston, the Rt. Rev. Héctor M. Monterroso (Millie Longoria)
St. Vincent’s House, generalstvhope.org
Supply clergyCanon to the Ordinary / COO, Assistant, Kathryn Herman


Taxes, clergy Chief Financial Officer, Linda Riley Mitchell, CPA
Taxes, propertyChief Financial Officer, Assistant, Michelle Valdez
Tax-exempt certificate for parishesChief Financial Officer, Assistant, Michelle Valdez
Transition ProcessTransition Minister, the Rev. Kellaura Johnson 


Visitations (bishop visitations to parishes)Episcopal Visitations Coordinator, Kathy Dunn


Website, EDOTBilingual Communications Specialist, Liz Gutierrez
Websites, parish consultingSocial Media and Multimedia Specialist, Daniel Villarreal
West Region of EDOTOffice of the Bishop Suffragan in Austin, Haley Townsend
Workers CompensationHuman Resources Director, Zee Turnbull, PHR
World Mission Board, diocesan oversightBishop Suffragan in Tyler, the Rt. Rev. Jeff Fisher (Kathy Dunn)
World Mission Board, generalWorld Mission Board, Office of the Bishop Suffragan in Tyler, Kathy Dunn


Young adult formation/ministryMissioner for Congregational Vitality: Connections, Estela Lopez
Youth & Children: formation, ministry, coaching, diocesan eventsMissioner for Congregational Vitality: Connections, Estela Lopez
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